Determine your baby's gender with these old wives' tales

Pregnancy: Baby Sex Myths

Compiled by Markus Kastenmeier

So, you are pregnant and no ultrasound is conclusive?
The baby refuses to show itself but you feel a need to know whether it's going to be a boy or a girl?
This test might be able to find out your baby's gender.

After answering the following 35 questions this little application will tell you - according to myths or old wives' tales - whether you will get a boy or a girl.

Let's get startetd...
So far, it's 50/50, boy or girl.


You'll likely give birth to a BOY, if... N/A You'll likely give birth to a GIRL, if...
The baby's heart beat is slower than 140 beats per minute.

The baby's heart beat is faster than 140 beats per minute.
Your belly develops only towards the front.

Your belly expands in all directions.
You carry the baby low.

Your belly is placed high.
You literally glow during your pregnancy.

You never really glowed during your pregnancy.
You did NOT suffer from morning sickness in your first trimester.

You suffered from morning sickness in your first trimester.
Your right breast is bigger than your left.

Your left breast is bigger than your right.
You look at yourself in the mirror for at least one minute and your pupils are dilating.

You look at yourself in the mirror for at least one minute and your pupils are NOT dilating.
You have an appetite for sour or salty foods as well as protein such as cheese and meat.

You crave sweet foods such as juice, fruits and candy.
You hold your wedding ring hung on a thread above your belly, it starts moving in a circle.

You hold your wedding ring hung on a thread above your belly, it swings back and forth.
Your skin dries out quicker.

Your skin is smooth.
You were the MORE energetic and active sex partner, when you conceived the baby.

You were the LESS energetic and active sex partner, when you conceived the baby.
You add your age at the time of the conception and the month when you became pregnant, the sum of both results in an EVEN number.

You add your age at the time of the conception and the month when you became pregnant, the sum of both results in an ODD number.
Your hair has become fuller and shinier during the pregnancy.

Your hair has become thin and duller during the pregnancy.
You sleep with your pillow pointing north.

You sleep with your pillow pointing south.
You're asked to show your hands, and you present them with the inside of the hands facing down.

You're asked to show your hands, and you present them with the inside of the hands facing up.
You are eating a clove of garlic and the garlic smell seems to come out of every one of your pores.

You are eating a clove of garlic, but you are not smelling like it.
You sleep on the/your left side.

You sleep on the/your right side.
You urine is bright yellow.

Your urine looks grayish yellow.
The first word of you last child was 'Papa'.

The first word of you last child was 'Mama'.
You are NOT moodier than usual.

You are moodier than usual.
Your feet get cold faster than before the pregnancy.

Your feet don't get cold faster than before the pregnancy.
The hair on your legs grow faster during the pregnancy.

The hair on your legs doesn't grow faster during the pregnancy.
You suffer more often from headaches

You suffer less often from headaches
You don't feel too terribly stressed.

You feel extremely stressed.
HE wore warming clothes (i.e. socks) during sex.

HE didn't wear warming clothes during sex.
You are NOT more forgetful than before the pregnancy.

You are more forgetful than before the pregnancy.
Your face doesn't look rounder than before.

Your face seems to be rounder than before.
HE didn't gain a pound during HER pregnancy.

HE gained weight during HER pregnancy.
You do NOT have more acne than before the pregnancy.

You have more acne than before the pregnancy.
You pick up a key from the floor and you hold it at the BIG end.

You pick up a key from the floor and you hold it at the THIN end.
The weather in the month before the conception was relatively hot.

The weather in the month before the conception was relatively cold.
SHE didn't have HER orgasm before HE had HIS.

SHE had HER orgasm before HE had HIS.
The conception happened on an ODD numbered day in the month.

The conception happened on an EVEN numbered day in the month.
You had sex during daylight.

You had sex at night.
The baby is rather quiet and relaxed.

The baby moves a lot, kicks and is very active in general.

If you have completed all questions, scroll back up, to see your result.